JC Best Albums of 2024It’s the most wonderful time of the year — if you’re a critic. The time when everyone makes their Top 10 lists on everything from movies…Dec 13, 20242Dec 13, 20242
JC’s Top Albums of 2023This has been the longest shortest year in recent memory, and that includes the lost haze of the nearly inseparable COVID years. Somehow…Dec 30, 2023Dec 30, 2023
JC’s Top Albums of 2022https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/jc-best-of-2022/pl.u-3XD3T1Lv6P (All albums in full on Apple Music playlist)Dec 23, 2022Dec 23, 2022
JC’s Top 10 Albums of 2021Somehow, inexplicably, we’ve come to the end of another year. Time has all but lost any sense of meaning as we find ourselves in an endless…Dec 30, 2021Dec 30, 2021
JC’s Top Music of 2020Dear God. As I sit down to write my annual best-of list, it’s almost unfathomable to capture the scope of where this year started and…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020